Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Should You Do Your Own Businesss Accounting

Should You Do Your Own Businesss Accounting There are a number of reasons why you might decide that you can do your own accounting for your business especially when you consider that you can make use of accounting software options to make the task a bit easier. However, not all accounting and tax issues are straightforward and if you get accounting help here, it should ensure that you stay on the right side of the tax authorities and fully understand that financial position of your business. Here is a look at the pros and cons of doing your own accounting. Keeping accurate records In order to be able to have a clear and accurate picture of the financial health of your business at any one time, you need to have a system in place that allows you to collect the required data as accurately as possible. The good news on that score is that many accounting software packages that you can buy or lease are aimed at being as user-friendly as possible and that means the administrative task of inputting all of your sales and expenses data as quickly and efficiently as possible. You should also be able to find a software option that keeps track of your inventory as well, so the basic task of collecting key data in an accurate format should be within your reach if you choose a package that helps you achieve that aim. However, you should also be aware that there are certain limitations to consider when relying on software data you have inputted. Carrying out an audit of your business records using an accountant could reveal a certain amount of accounting and data discrepancies and using a professional service could also help you identify how to interpret the data in the most tax-efficient way possible. A good solution could be to use accounting software to help you prepare all of your basic financial data and then use the services of an accountant to cast their professional eye over the details and provide you with some general financial and tax-efficient recommendations. Cash flow forecasts and business plans There is a lot more to accountancy services than basic number crunching and if you are seeking to acquire some finance for your business, for example, it can often be the case that using an account could be advantageous. If you have approached your bank or a lender for a business loan they will want to see your latest financial records and the success of your loan application will hinge on whether you can produce a credible cash flow forecast and business plan to support your request for funding. Do you really have the time or inclination to do it all yourself? Running a small business often involves multi-tasking and handling all sorts of different challenges and you might ask the question whether you can justify spending too much of your time on accountancy tasks when there are plenty of other pressing calls on your time to contend with. The fact that you are running your own business confirms you have a certain amount of entrepreneurial flair and focusing your energy and efforts on increasing sales and growing your customer base could be a better way to spend your valuable time. It is worth remembering that you don’t have to employ an accountant full-time and it could well be that you only need to pay for a couple of hours of their time to get the answers you need, Weighing up the cost It is essential that you keep tight control over your expenditure and one of the most common reasons why some business owners are reluctant to use an account is down to cost. You might think it is reasonable to assume that you can’t really afford to hire an accountant but you might think again when you consider the sort of value that they can offer your business. Take a moment to consider how long it takes you to work out your taxes and you should be to calculate how many hours it has cost you to complete that task. If an accountant can do the job in half the time you could find that their hourly rate actually equates to a lower cost compared to what you could have earned doing your regular work. Freeing up more of your time by delegating certain accounting tasks to your accountant could turn out to be a smart move if it allows you to concentrate on generating more revenue. Enjoy greater control over your finances Even if you use an accounting software package to help you keep control over your finances there is still the issue that you might not have as much control over your money as you would like. Using an accountant should present you with an opportunity to enjoy a greater level of understanding and control of your financial situation and outlook. Cash flow forecasts are pivotal to keeping your business afloat as you can see how much money you need to maintain a good trading position and fund any expansion plans you have. It is now easier than ever before to share information with someone like an accountant if you choose cloud-based accounting software and that means you won’t have to waste your valuable time gathering all the data together as they can access the details in an instant with your consent. The art of delegation As your business grows it will quickly become apparent that you will have to learn how to delegate certain tasks so that you can focus on key aspects that demand your attention. Delegating your financial affairs to an accountant could turn out to be a savvy move and the costs associated with that decision can be justified if it frees up more of your time to be able to concentrate on growing the business and increasing turnover. When you weigh up all the options it should allow you to make an informed choice about what aspects of your business’s accounting you can take care of and when it might be better to use an accountant.

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