Saturday, December 28, 2019

4 steps to deal with anxiety, tragedy, or heartache

4 steps to deal with anxiety, tragedy, or heartache4 steps to deal with anxiety, tragedy, or heartacheYou dont remember me, but I was in your experiment a year ago.I just wanted to thank you. Itchanged my life.James Pennebaker has had a number of peoplesay this to him over the years.In the early 80s he came across a studyshowing that people who experienced personaltraumas butdidnt discussthem were mora likely to get sick.He wondered if just writing about their emotional upheavals could help peoplerecover. Andthe researchhe did changed lives.In the 30 years since,hundreds of studieshave documented theeffectiveness of expressive writing.It helped withanxiety, tragedy, heartache . . . It even gave relief tothose coping with cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, and AIDS.People who write abouttheir harte nusss gain a host of benefits includingfeeling happier, sleeping better, and even getting better grades.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealAcross multiple studies, people who engage in expressive writing report feeling happier and less negative than they felt before writing. Similarly, reports of depressive symptoms, rumination, and general anxiety tend to drop in the weeks and months after writing about emotional upheavals (Lepore 1997). Other studies found improvement in overall well-being and improved cognitive functioning (Barclay Skarlicki 2009).I wanted to learn more, so I gave the man himself a call.Jamie Pennebaker is a prof atthe University of Texas at Austin and the author of a number of books includingExpressive Writing Words That HealThe Secret Life of Pronouns What Our Words Say About UsIn this post youll learn howwriting can help youovercome emotional hardships and the best way touse itto help you get pasttough times.Lets get started.Can just 20 minutes of writing change your life?Bottling up your problems is stressful. People who keep their strugglesa secret go to the doctor 40% more often than thosewho dont.ViaExpressive Writing Words That Healamo ng those who had traumas, those who kept their traumas secret went to physicians almost forty percent more often than those who openly talked about their traumas (Pennebaker Susman 1988). Later research projects from multiple labs confirmed these results. Adults whose spouses had committed suicide or died suddenly in car accidents were healthier in the year following the death if they talked about the trauma than if they didnt talk about it Not talking about important issues in your life poses a significant health risk.Some of us talk to friends or binnenbinnensee a therapist when life gets hard. But not everyone.Its risky. Talking about your problems can mean feeling judged. Youre putting yourselfon the line when youre most vulnerable.But writing lets you get many of the benefitsof talking about your problems without the risk.Heres Jamiein anideal world, it works very similar to talking to a friend. The killer problem is when you talk to a friend oreven a therapist, youre putting yourself on the line.For it to work that other person has to be completely accepting, and the reality is we dont tell our friends a lot of really deep and personal things because we think it might hurt the relationship. Thats the beauty of writing. You dont have to worry about other people looking down on you or feeling nervous about putting yourself out there.But what is it about writing that calms the mind and helps us heal emotionally?There are no solid answers but theres plenty of research showing the human mind needs meaning- a story to make sense of what has happened.Only then can it rest. Writing forces you to organize your thoughts into a coherent structure. It helps you make sense of life.Heres JamieOne thing is that writing helps to organize ourexperiencesWhat we find is that people who benefit tend to increase their use of words to suggest thinking. Theyre usingcertain cognitive words. These include causal words like because, cause and effect. They include insight words u nderstand, realize no and so forth.Not only dopeople who use expressive writing feel better afterward, but that relief has real world benefits.Those who wrote about the stress of being laid off were more likely to find jobs.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealEight months after writing, fifty-two percent of the emotional writing group had new jobs compared with only twenty percent of the time management participants. The two groups went on the saatkorn number of interviews. The only difference was that the expressive writers were offered jobs (Spera, Buhrfeind, Pennebaker 1994).(For more on how to overcome regret, click here.)So writing helps us open upwhen it doesnt feel like theres anyone we can talk to. And it makes sense of the things that shake up our lives.So whats the best way to actually do it? There are 4 steps1. Ask How long has it been?If youre upset in thedays immediately after a breakup or the death of a loved one, thats natural.But when youre still feeling distressed months later, thats when you need help and writing can really make a difference.2. Commit to20 minutes for four daysCommit to writing about whats bothering you for 20 minutes onfour consecutive days.This is what the bulk of the research shows provides the best benefits. You can do more if you want this is a minimum.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealWhat if you want to keep writing after twenty minutes? Then keep writing. The twenty-minute rule is an arbitrary minimum. That is, plan to write for at least twenty minutes each day with the understanding that you can write more, but you shouldnt write less What if you find that you enjoy writing and want to continue past four days? Do it. Many people find that once they begin writing, they realize they have many issues to think about. Write for as many days as you need - just think of the four days as a minimum.Whens the best time to do it? End of the workday seems to be a good time for many people.ViaExpressive Writing Words That H ealAcross multiple studies, we have had the most success with people writing at the end of their workday. If you have children and need to feed them, then after they have gone to bed might be a good time. The operative rule, however, is for you to have some free time after writing to let your mind reflect on what you have written.(To learn more about what the words you use say about you, click here.)Got it on your calendar? Good. Heres what to do.3. Write, write, writeJust write about whats bothering you for 20 minutes straight.Dont worry about grammar or spelling. Dont worry about what anyone might think. You can delete it or throw it out when youre done writing.Just write about whats troubling you and dont hold back.Heres JamieFind a place you wont get disturbed, and I want you to sit down and just begin writing about the thing thats bothering you.Dont worry about grammar or sentencestructure or spelling. Just write. This is for you and for you alone. Plan to tear up what youve do ne when you finish. Its not a letter to somebody. Its not something for you to show someone to convince them that you are right. This is for you alone.Longhand or typing doesnt matter. Research even shows talking into a voice recorder works too.Heres JamieYou can write about the same vorstellung on each of thefour days or you can write about different events. All that is entirely up to you. Just explore your very deepest thoughts and fears. Thats the basic idea.(To learn about all the other issues writing can help you with, click here.)In general, just doing the writing for 20 minutes for four days is enough to provide people with noticeable relief. But lets go for beigabe points.There are a number of things Jamie has seen that correlate with better results.4. Stuff that can help the processWhen writing, its helpful to tie the issue into other areas of your life. How does the problem relate to your work? Your family? Your relationships?Heres JamieLets say youre having problems becau se of a failed love. You may find once you begin writing that its related to other topics.You might tie this event to other areas in your life. Your childhood, your relationship with your parents, your relationship with other peopleYou might tie it to work, you might even link it to who you want to be in the future, who youve been in the past and who you are now.People tend to benefit most from expressive writing if they openly acknowledge emotions.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealEmotional experience is part of a trauma. The ability to feel and label both the negative and the positive feelings that occurred during and following the trauma is important.Constructing a story is powerful.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealCreating a narrative, including a coherent beginning, middle, and end, is a well-documented part of trauma treatment and holds much promise for benefits from writing about trauma.Switch perspectives. Thosewho benefit the most can see the event through other peop les eyes.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealPeople who have experienced a trauma initially see it from one perspective - their own. Indeed, when individuals first write about a massive upheaval, they first describe what they saw, felt, and experienced. Recent studies indicate that people who benefit the most from writing have been able to see events through others eyes.Youre not writing an accident report for an insurance company. Dont be distant. Make your writingpersonal.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealA guiding principle of expressive writing is that you express yourself openly and honestly. People who write in a cold, detached manner and who quote Shakespeare, Aristotle, or Henry Ford may be fine historians and may even write a great editorial in the local newspaper. But impressive writing is not the point of expressive writing. People who benefit the most from writing are able to find a voice that reflects who they are.(To learn more about how to improve your writing sk ills in general, click here.)Lets round up the info and see what Jamie recommends about how to best fit this into our lives.Sum upHeres how to use writing to overcomethe things that upset youHas enough time passed? Are you suffering longerthan you should? Then writing can help.Commit to four days of 20 minutes a day. Most people write at the end of their workday.Write nonstop for 20 minutes about whats bothering you. Dont worry about errors or what anyone might think. This is for you.Tying in other areas of your life, acknowledging emotions, telling a story, switching perspectives and making it personal are all associated with betterrecovery.You dont need to wait until youre getting divorcedor somebody dies to use this. You can writewhenever you think it might help. Its literary ibuprofen.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealThink of expressive writing as a tool that will always be at your disposal, or like having medicine in your medicine cabinet. No need to take the medicine when you are healthy, but when you are under the weather, you can always turn to it.The science and the numbers are great but I have one more thing to add Ive used this myself.A few months agosomeone I cared about deeply betrayed my trust. No apology afterward. No concern for my feelings.It made it hard for me to trust anyone afterward. I was second-guessing the motives of everyone in my life.After writing for just 20 minutes it felt like a weight had beenlifted off my shoulders. The ragestopped surgingup.The rumination died down.Chaos in your life doesnt need to mean chaos in your head.Okay, this blog post is over, folks. So maybe nows the time to stop reading and start writing.Join over 135,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via schmelzglashere.Related postsHow To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple EmailsHow To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done 5 Expert TipsNew Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More SuccessfulThis article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.4 steps to deal with anxiety, tragedy, or heartacheYou dont remember me, but I was in your experiment a year ago.I just wanted to thank you. Itchanged my life.James Pennebaker has had a number of peoplesay this to him over the years.In the early 80s he came across a studyshowing that people who experienced personaltraumas butdidnt discussthem were more likely to get sick.He wondered if just writing about their emotional upheavals could help peoplerecover. Andthe researchhe did changed lives.In the 30 years since,hundreds of studieshave documented theeffectiveness of expressive writing.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIt helped withanxiety, tragedy, heartache . . . It even gave relief tothose coping with cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, and AIDS.People who write abouttheir problems gain a host of benefits includingfeeling happier, sleeping better, and even getting better grades.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealAcross multiple studies, people who engage in expressive writing report feeling happier and less negative than they felt before writing. Similarly, reports of depressive symptoms, rumination, and general anxiety tend to drop in the weeks and months after writing about emotional upheavals (Lepore 1997). Other studies found improvement in overall well-being and improved cognitive functioning (Barclay Skarlicki 2009).I wanted to learn more, so I gave the man himself a call.Jamie Pennebaker is a professor atthe University of Texas at Austin and the author of a number of books includingExpressive Writing Words That HealThe Secret Life of Pronouns What Our Words Say About UsIn this post youll learn howwriting can help youovercome emotional hardships and the best way touse itto help you get pasttough times.Lets get started.Can just 20 minutes of writing change your life?Bottling up your problems is stressful. People who keep their strugglesa se cret go to the doctor 40% more often than thosewho dont.ViaExpressive Writing Words That Healamong those who had traumas, those who kept their traumas secret went to physicians almost forty percent more often than those who openly talked about their traumas (Pennebaker Susman 1988). Later research projects from multiple labs confirmed these results. Adults whose spouses had committed suicide or died suddenly in car accidents were healthier in the year following the death if they talked about the trauma than if they didnt talk about it Not talking about important issues in your life poses a significant health risk.Some of us talk to friends or see a therapist when life gets hard. But not everyone.Its risky. Talking about your problems can mean feeling judged. Youre putting yourselfon the line when youre most vulnerable.But writing lets you get many of the benefitsof talking about your problems without the risk.Heres Jamiein anideal world, it works very similar to talking to a friend . The killer problem is when you talk to a friend oreven a therapist, youre putting yourself on the line.For it to work that other person has to be completely accepting, and the reality is we dont tell our friends a lot of really deep and personal things because we think it might hurt the relationship. Thats the beauty of writing. You dont have to worry about other people looking down on you or feeling nervous about putting yourself out there.But what is it about writing that calms the mind and helps us heal emotionally?There are no solid answers but theres plenty of research showing the human mind needs meaning- a story to make sense of what has happened.Only then can it rest. Writing forces you to organize your thoughts into a coherent structure. It helps you make sense of life.Heres JamieOne thing is that writing helps to organize ourexperiencesWhat we find is that people who benefit tend to increase their use of words to suggest thinking. Theyre usingcertain cognitive words. The se include causal words like because, cause and effect. They include insight words understand, realize no and so forth.Not only dopeople who use expressive writing feel better afterward, but that relief has real world benefits.Those who wrote about the stress of being laid off were more likely to find jobs.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealEight months after writing, fifty-two percent of the emotional writing group had new jobs compared with only twenty percent of the time management participants. The two groups went on the same number of interviews. The only difference was that the expressive writers were offered jobs (Spera, Buhrfeind, Pennebaker 1994).(For more on how to overcome regret, click here.)So writing helps us open upwhen it doesnt feel like theres anyone we can talk to. And it makes sense of the things that shake up our lives.So whats the best way to actually do it? There are 4 steps1. Ask How long has it been?If youre upset in thedays immediately after a breakup or the death of a loved one, thats natural.But when youre still feeling distressed months later, thats when you need help and writing can really make a difference.2. Commit to20 minutes for four daysCommit to writing about whats bothering you for 20 minutes onfour consecutive days.This is what the bulk of the research shows provides the best benefits. You can do more if you want this is a minimum.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealWhat if you want to keep writing after twenty minutes? Then keep writing. The twenty-minute rule is an arbitrary minimum. That is, plan to write for at least twenty minutes each day with the understanding that you can write more, but you shouldnt write less What if you find that you enjoy writing and want to continue past four days? Do it. Many people find that once they begin writing, they realize they have many issues to think about. Write for as many days as you need - just think of the four days as a minimum.Whens the best time to do it? End of the wo rkday seems to be a good time for many people.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealAcross multiple studies, we have had the most success with people writing at the end of their workday. If you have children and need to feed them, then after they have gone to bed might be a good time. The operative rule, however, is for you to have some free time after writing to let your mind reflect on what you have written.(To learn more about what the words you use say about you, click here.)Got it on your calendar? Good. Heres what to do.3. Write, write, writeJust write about whats bothering you for 20 minutes straight.Dont worry about grammar or spelling. Dont worry about what anyone might think. You can delete it or throw it out when youre done writing.Just write about whats troubling you and dont hold back.Heres JamieFind a place you wont get disturbed, and I want you to sit down and just begin writing about the thing thats bothering you.Dont worry about grammar or sentencestructure or spelli ng. Just write. This is for you and for you alone. Plan to tear up what youve done when you finish. Its not a letter to somebody. Its not something for you to show someone to convince them that you are right. This is for you alone.Longhand or typing doesnt matter. Research even shows talking into a voice recorder works too.Heres JamieYou can write about the same event on each of thefour days or you can write about different events. All that is entirely up to you. Just explore your very deepest thoughts and fears. Thats the basic idea.(To learn about all the other issues writing can help you with, click here.)In general, just doing the writing for 20 minutes for four days is enough to provide people with noticeable relief. But lets go for bonus points.There are a number of things Jamie has seen that correlate with better results.4. Stuff that can help the processWhen writing, its helpful to tie the issue into other areas of your life. How does the problem relate to your work? Your fa mily? Your relationships?Heres JamieLets say youre having problems because of a failed love. You may find once you begin writing that its related to other topics.You might tie this event to other areas in your life. Your childhood, your relationship with your parents, your relationship with other peopleYou might tie it to work, you might even link it to who you want to be in the future, who youve been in the past and who you are now.People tend to benefit most from expressive writing if they openly acknowledge emotions.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealEmotional experience is part of a trauma. The ability to feel and label both the negative and the positive feelings that occurred during and following the trauma is important.Constructing a story is powerful.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealCreating a narrative, including a coherent beginning, middle, and end, is a well-documented part of trauma treatment and holds much promise for benefits from writing about trauma.Switch pers pectives. Thosewho benefit the most can see the event through other peoples eyes.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealPeople who have experienced a trauma initially see it from one perspective - their own. Indeed, when individuals first write about a massive upheaval, they first describe what they saw, felt, and experienced. Recent studies indicate that people who benefit the most from writing have been able to see events through others eyes.Youre not writing an accident report for an insurance company. Dont be distant. Make your writingpersonal.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealA guiding principle of expressive writing is that you express yourself openly and honestly. People who write in a cold, detached manner and who quote Shakespeare, Aristotle, or Henry Ford may be fine historians and may even write a great editorial in the local newspaper. But impressive writing is not the point of expressive writing. People who benefit the most from writing are able to find a voice that r eflects who they are.(To learn more about how to improve your writing skills in general, click here.)Lets round up the info and see what Jamie recommends about how to best fit this into our lives.Sum upHeres how to use writing to overcomethe things that upset youHas enough time passed? Are you suffering longerthan you should? Then writing can help.Commit to four days of 20 minutes a day. Most people write at the end of their workday.Write nonstop for 20 minutes about whats bothering you. Dont worry about errors or what anyone might think. This is for you.Tying in other areas of your life, acknowledging emotions, telling a story, switching perspectives and making it personal are all associated with betterrecovery.You dont need to wait until youre getting divorcedor somebody dies to use this. You can writewhenever you think it might help. Its literary ibuprofen.ViaExpressive Writing Words That HealThink of expressive writing as a tool that will always be at your disposal, or like havi ng medicine in your medicine cabinet. No need to take the medicine when you are healthy, but when you are under the weather, you can always turn to it.The science and the numbers are great but I have one more thing to add Ive used this myself.A few months agosomeone I cared about deeply betrayed my trust. No apology afterward. No concern for my feelings.It made it hard for me to trust anyone afterward. I was second-guessing the motives of everyone in my life.After writing for just 20 minutes it felt like a weight had beenlifted off my shoulders. The ragestopped surgingup.The rumination died down.Chaos in your life doesnt need to mean chaos in your head.Okay, this blog post is over, folks. So maybe nows the time to stop reading and start writing.Join over 135,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.This article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Monday, December 23, 2019

U.S. Workers Sound Off on Wages

U.S. Workers Sound Off on WagesU.S. Workers Sound Off on WagesU.S. WORKERS SOUND OFF ON WAGESWORKERS THINK THEY ARETOTALAGE 18-34AGE 35-54AGE 55+GENDER MALEGENDER FEMALEUnderpaid46%48%46%46%44%49%Overpaid5%8%3%2%6%3%Paid fairly49%44%51%52%51%48%TOTALINCOME $50-$100K$100K+HIGH SCHOOL OR LESSCOLLEGE/ASSOCIATEUNIVERSITY+Underpaid46%53%50%37%51%48%45%Overpaid5%4%4%6%2%3%5%Paid fairly49%44%46%57%47%48%50%Responses may not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Best Practices for Emailing Hiring Managers

Best Practices for Emailing Hiring ManagersBest Practices for Emailing Hiring ManagersThe email is often the first point of contact between you and a prospective employer, and can determine whether or notlage you are considered for the position. Below are some tips to help you get the most out of your initial emails.What To Do Before You EmailOne of the most difficult things for someone looking for a job is simply being buried in the mass of emails that pour into a recruiter when a job is posted. Just like with a resume, most emails look the same, text on a page that is all the same color and design. How do you get that recruiter to even give you a cursory glance when your submission looks like everyone elses?Even if you do not have a mutual connection, you are not without recourse. Searching through the prospective employers LinkedIn page can provide you with new connections you can reach out to and introduce yourself. Twitter is another excellent place to locate the recruiter, and send them a brief message of introduction. No matter which category you fall into, the goal is to make sure you get the chance to let your email shine, instead of being overlooked.Creating the EmailOnce you have your foot in the door, the next thing is to make sure that the recruiter likes what they see. There are certain dos and donts to a successful email, which are outlined in detail below.No Cutesy Email Accounts Most people like to throw a bit of pizazz into their email addresses. Things like for the social butterfly, or, for the football fan. While unterstellung are enjoyable to use personally, a prospective hirer will view them negatively. Simply your name will usually suffice, followed by a number if it is unavailable.Make Your Subject Line Pop Even if you used one of the two suggestions for what to do before writing the email, your subject line is still extremely important. Any points you scored for reaching out personally are increased exponentially if paired with a headline that truly pops. Be sure to put the position you are aspiring to, as well as what accomplishments you have achieved that put you above all the rest. Remember, you only have 50 characters, so keep it short and sweet.Make It Your Own One of the easiest ways to sound the death knell of your chances of getting a job is to simply cut and paste generic content in your initial email. Templates with a few subbed in keywords look like you spent no effort on being considered, which is anathema to what a recruiter is usually looking for. Look at what is involved with each job specifically, and tailor your email to address it directly and individually. Sticking in some personality is another good way to show that being considered is truly important to you.A Little Courtesy Goes a Long Way While it may seem obvious to be on your best behavior when contacting a recruiter, it should be one of the chief things to concentrate on. Include a po lite greeting, and a friendly, yet professional, tone throughout the email. Always end things with a salutation, followed by your name. Get To the Point Given the sheer volume of emails received by a recruiter for each position available, usually a couple of seconds, to a minute, is all they will spend on reading yours. This makes it oh so important to get right to the heart of the matter in as short an bestellung as possible. Start out with the things that make you shine the most, accomplishments and achievements that you are especially proud of, and deal directly with the job you are vying for. Unless they ask for specific information, which you would then lead with instead. Short and targeted paragraphs, as well as bullet points, are excellent ways to make it more readable.Check, Then Double Check One of the easiest ways to get yourself shot down before your email has a chance to work its magic is by making simple punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes. Check your email thor oughly, then put it aside and busy yourself with another task. Come back to the email a second time, with fresh eyes, and check it over again. You can even shoot it over to a trusted friend, if you want a new set of eyes to check it out.Always arm yourself with these helpful tips before you send out any emails to any coveted jobs. Using them is an excellent way to snag the attention of any hirer, and cause them to slot you in as their first, and most promising, interview.This articlewas updated on June 28, 2017

Friday, December 13, 2019

Four phrases that make you sound less confident

Four phrases that make you sound less confidentFour phrases that make you sound less confidentNot everyone is born a charming extrovert and thats a good thing. If everyone was the same, life would be boring. And especially in the workplace, its mainly when you have a variety of different personalities including the quieter and introverted personalities that workdays are more colorful and interesting.However, introversion at work and having trouble outwardly communicating your thoughts and feelings in a healthy way can cause challenges in your career, because that typically means its hard to confidently perform in front of colleagues and supervisors and it also causes unnecessary awkwardnessWhether or not you would call yourself an introvert, here are a few specific phrases to stop saying and even rid from your vocabulary completely if you want to sound and feel more confident at workFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivit y, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more1. I just wanted People who express themselves vaguely and passively appear insecure. That leads us to tip 1 If you want to appear more confident, say goodbye to passive wording. Instead of using phrases like I just wanted to , try Im planning on or My suggestion is to express your goals and ideas. You will notice, by using a binding language you will not only sound more determined, confident and competent in the moment to your colleagues and supervisors, but youll also start to believe it to be true.2. Could you maybe Many of us throw in the seemingly harmless word maybe without even noticing in our everyday work talk. For example, to ask a colleague for a favor or to assign a task. Of course, its important to ask politely if you want someone to do something for you, but adding maybe to what otherwise should be a pretty straightforward request, makes it seem as if youre almost expecting to get a no answer. Or, it would at least give the receiver of your glaubenszeugnis the notion that you dont have high hopes that theyd say yes. We, therefore recommend using phrases like Can you help me with this project? without the word maybe. This doesnt necessarily take away the persons option to say no, but what it does is prevent any unnecessary confusion about your expectations.3. I could do that Friendliness and reliability are important requirements for teamwork and that means that you absolutely should lend a helping hand to colleagues every so often when you find its needed. However, that doesnt mean you have to be the one to help every time someone needs it, and neither does it mean that you should never say no to a coworker who asks for help.This probably feels difficult to do if youre a naturally generous and helpful person, but you must set and enforce your own boundaries and guard your own time in order to stay sane and successful at work yourself.If you know that youre swamped and cant spare time away from an important deadline or project, be upfront to both your colleagues and superiors. Offering help to others while secretly wishing you didnt have to, or even being quietly resentful about it, is NOT the way to go. You can respond to a request in a friendly but clear way I would love to help but unfortunately, I have no time.I could do that is also the wrong phrase if you really DO want to help out or do whatever task it is that needs to get done. In this case, communicating clearly about your intentions helps others understand that you are glad to take on the task and arent only doing it out of helpfulness.4. Filler words like actually or perhapsFiller words such as actually or perhaps have become more and more common in conversation these days. And while theres no problem with having those words in your vocabulary in general, you should be very careful about the way you throw them into sentences, especially in the workplace actually and perhaps have the potential to detract from wh at youre trying to say or even weaken your argument or conviction because they tend to not add much value. The same is true of the following expressions possibly, practically, possibly, possibly, and basically they all have the tendency to make you sound less confident.Thisarticlewas originally published

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The War Against Project Manager Resume Template

The War Against Project Manager Resume Template Try to remember, when youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. The vorlage is created by experts so that you can be certain about the character of the content. Customize the template to coordinate with your institutions referral program policies. In reality, the chronological resume template is easily the most traditional resume format. 1 Resume is a totally free one page web template that comes with a smooth jQuery slide between sections of the webpage. Producing your resume is crucial. Project Manager Resume Template will direct you on different elements that are indispensable to stay in mind whilst writing a resume. Project Manager Resume templates are extremely helpful document templates which can be utilised at many moments if youre a project manager. Once you locate the right resume that you may use, the next step is going to be to go through the work description and the requirements necessary for the post youre applying for. Have a look at the next template and ideas to find a comprehension of a creative resume. A deep grasp of the optimization of social networking platforms is important. Project Managers work inside an organization to spearhead particular projects. Your Project Manager resume should reflect the abilities and competencies that are related to the industry youre applying for. The perfect Project Manager resume should showcase a superior comprehension of consumer habits and the special ability to spot promising new products. A hiring manager searching for a Project Manager is searching for an organized individual with superior understanding of product administration. Thus the use ofA Construction Resume TemplatesA is quite useful for all applicants who wishes to be employed. Resume extensions Employers often have a look at your Linkedin website. Recruiters also utilize Linkedin to confirm the jobs listed in your resume. When writing your project manager resume, think of what a prospective employer might love to see. Bear in mind that each and every employer would like to employ a Project Manager at an excellent salary to decrease the possibility of failure. So many job applicants simply write resumes which dont resound nicely with their potential employers, making them shed interview opportunities. By way of example, army personnel have specific requirements and requirements. Project Manager Resume Template - the Story The work description lets you know which ones matter most. An analytical thinker who works collaboratively to have the job finished. Your resume creates the very first impression of you so it must present your finest attributes in order to be eligible for an interview. Inside my opinion, the very best resumes are focused on a single objective and thats to demonstrate to the prospective employee that you could add value to the firm. A quick scan is all you will receive from the hi ring manager so that it is essential that your top entry merits the suitable quantity of interest. Watch your verb tenses inside your job descriptions and be certain youre staying with the exact tense within each listing. You must find out methods to alter your experience to the demands of the new job and tischset it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. It is crucial to concentrate on accomplishments utilizing action verbs that showcase what you can do to help your upcoming employer. If youre a fantastic organizer, as an example, make certain that you mention it. Occasionally a quick certification program, either online or at a neighborhood college, can be only the thing you must land that dream job. If youre in the movie industry they wish to understand what skills youve got and exactly what youve done, although your school history wont be quite as important. The role of including one in your resume is to make a great impression.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Writing Grants Resume or Cv Secrets

Writing Grants Resume or Cv Secrets Every CV we write is original and tailored especially to fulfill your requirements and requirements in the most efficient approach to receive benefits. End by stating you are going to love to meet up with them to find out more about their requirements. If youre in the procedure for applying for different jobs, you may use an expert CV template to create effective resumes. The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. A great CV forms an important role in the work screening approach. Writing a CV from scratch can be an overwhelming job for even the most self-confident individual. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Writing Grants Resume or Cv Ensure you use relevant keywords and phrases, and check your grammar. A lot of people consider the 2 documents interchangeable. Add page numbers and your personenname to every page to be sure it stays clear. Your resumes are going to have properly aligned bullet points that make it simple for recruiters to rapidly scan through and pick out the vital elements in your document. New Step by Step Roadmap for Writing Grants Resume or Cv Many applicants find it hard to translate their achievements or experiences into skills that relate to the recruiter. Applying with the task targeted resume for each job is a superb practice rather than sending same resume for every single job. You should highlight certain abilities and experiences while putting in an application for a specific job. If your interpersonal skills arent that great, nows the time to begin working on them. The Key to Successful Writing Grants Resume or Cv Its extremely important that a CV ought to be complete in all probable aspects in order to leave a strong impression on the prospective employer. The very first thing a CV has to do is get the interest of the hiring manager or employer. Your CV is the initial point of contact with you have to your possible employer. Your CV should force you to stick out from the crowd of different applicants whether youre a nurse in Ireland or another country. Past the fundamentals, an expert CV will incorporate quite a few other important qualities that will put you one step closer to achieving your career objectives. You are, obviously, very valuable. Possessing a superb CV or curriculum vitae is important as it can assist you in getting the job of your pick. ur writing team is made of experienced pros with various academic backgrounds and theyre always prepared to work for you. Apart from that, it also ought to explain the capacity of the applicant in many fields presenting them to be the most effective available job candidate. For those who have references from jobs (not your present-day role) it would be useful to include them here as it may accelerate the hiring process. For making positive influence on the recruiter, its important to get a unique resume portraying your job particular details. If you would like to receive a job over other candidates, you must begin tailoring your approach, messages, and level to create things as simple as possible for them. Gossip, Lies and Writing Grants Resume or Cv For CV samples you should make some efforts. While seeking CV templates, one needs to get ensured that the resume is loaded with the mandatory information. It is very important to plan your CV before you begin writing it. A specialist CV highlights relevant info in an appropriate method. The Basics of Writing Grants Resume or Cv Your CV is the most significant portion of your application package. Even should you not possess design skills, you will nonetheless have the ability to create a really professional resume using a CV template. Getting your own CV template tends to aid you getting noticed.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Four ways you can network on your next cruise

Four ways you can network on your next cruiseFour ways you can network on your next cruiseBefore visiting the Lido Deck to enjoy the buffet and following the after-dinner musical view show in the gorgeous theater on your next cruise, there are ample opportunities to grow your professional network aboard a cruise ship.Not only are your prospects a captive audience, but people are also happier on vacation and the drinks are plentiful and the best part No one has to drive home.You travel in the same circleCruises are an ideal networking umgebung because you spend a large amount of time with the same group of people, including meals, says Annick Lenoir-Peek, travel blogger at The Common Traveler. Whats nice about cruising is that you see familiar faces youve met throughout the ship.You may even end some of the same tours together, which shows that you have the same interests, she adds.Unlike a shorter period of time, like a meal or a stay at a resort, youll have more time to get to know each other on a more personal level. You can move past the shop talk quickly and develop friendships, Lenior-Peek says, which may lead to collaborations or future dealings.Size of the ship promotes can networkingConsider river cruising, which are ships that can only have just a few hundred passengers, making the intimate setting ideal to forge new opportunities. River cruises offer the perfect networking setting, with small vessels designed for guest interaction and mingling, Wesley Bosnic, VP Charter Incentive Sales for Uniworld.Itineraries often include social activities onboard such as cooking and fitness classes, and small group excursions onshore so guests can get to know others with similar interests. Also, on our cruises, we offer all-inclusive pricing so professionals can relax and elend worry about who will be picking up the check at bars or in the dining room, so they can focus on what theyre really there for making meaningful connections, Bosnic says.You can woo prospe cts without it being awkwardUnlike a typical networking event, where there are a few hours to make connections and then it ends, cruising provides several days to interact with people sometimes multiple times to establish meaningful and lasting bonds, says Tanner Callais, founder of, a website about everything cruising.For instance, you could have dinner with someone one night, see them by the pool the next day, and have a drink at the bar the day after, explains Callais. These multiple points of contact are huge in creating a lasting connection.The vibe is relaxedCruises offer a great atmosphere for networking, because even if you are thinking about work on the trip, says Callais, everyone is still in vacation mode.While it might feel awkward to break the ice in a business setting, its completely normal to strike up conversation with strangers on a cruise ship, Callaissaid. The result is the perfect place to get to know people without the awkwardness of having to brea k the ice.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Making Friends and Finding Free Resume Advice

Making Friends and Finding Free Resume AdviceMaking Friends and Finding Free Resume AdviceHow to approach recruiters, HR pros and resume experts for advice without being a pest.Its not that Linda M. Duffy minds giving a little advice to job candidates. Its just that, well, youre not exactly helping her pay her grocery bills.I dont mind giving quick advice to candidates, especially if its someone I already have a relationship with, said Duffy, a senior professional in human resources and president of Leadership Habitude, an HR consultancy. The need, though, is to keep it to a 15-minute conversation or so. Otherwise, it becomes all-consuming and detracts from paying clients.Like Duffy, resume and hiring professionals are constantly sought after for free resume or job-search advice. Most of us dont think twice about asking behauptung professionals to take a look at our resumes, but few of us are savvy enough actually to cultivate a relationship with these professionals that will pay off in the end.Were not just talking about being considerate. Were talking about taking the extra steps to ensure that you get the resume advice youre after and that you come to mind when these influential professionals get a lead on a job opening.You would be surprised at how few people (not just job seekers) offer to return the favor, Duffy said. I help people because I like to help, and I do it without expectation. However, for those rare people who say thank you and then, ?What can I do to help you? in return - believe me, I remember them Something that simple really does help them stand out in a crowd.How do you cultivate these relationships? How do you even start them, if you dont personally know any HR professionals, executive recruiters or resume writers? Ladders spoke with a number of them to develop the following tips on how to approach them and properly return the favor of free advice.Making friends with career prosIf youve ever had any contact with a rekrutierer, youve got a name, and thats a fine place to start, said Debra Benton, an executive coach and president of Benton Management Resources. Being friendly means staying in touch. If things change in your career, let them know, Benton said, but also keep your ear tuned for anything interesting you might reisepass on to them.Be an extra ear and eye for them. Be helpful, Benton said. A lot of times headhunters have assignments that dont fit you. But if youre known by the headhunter as someone who profers a name, or resources, they will love you.This means that if a headhunter calls to talk about a job, you should hear them out even if youre not necessarily interested, Benton suggested. Is the opportunity a good one for someone whos at a different stage in her career from yours? Do you know of any names you could pass on to the headhunter, any contact information? Pass it on and tell the headhunter to use your name. Headhunters love that, Benton said. Youre resourcing someone theyd never know.Or say youre out and you run into the most fabulous finance guy youd ever want to meet. Tell your headhunter pal that youve just encountered somebody who needs to be on their radar screen, and pass on the name, Benton said. While youre sharing this pearl of wisdom, make sure to sprinkle in your interests and strengths, but do it subtly. Heres how that might sound The reason I thought Id pass on the name of this great finance guy is you and I were talking about XYZ job, and you know me, Im actually interested in ABC job.If youre currently working, make sure to befriend HR. If you give them proper respect, Benton said, youre the one theyll remember you when they move on to other companies, Benton said. It can be something simple If you have an encounter with HR, let them know youve worked with plenty of HR, and they stand out because they know their stuff. One sentence like that, and theyll love you, she said, adding, It has to be true, of courseIf youre not working, and you walked away with out HR buddies, you need to take the initiative. How do you do that? Benton suggested reaching out to professionals in this way Say youre reading the Wall Street Journal and an article quotes an HR executive from Colgate-Palmolive. Dont be afraid to send a short note to that person to say, Hey, I loved the article in the WSJ. I welches really impressed with that angle you came up with on that subject. I totally concur. I hope our paths cross sometime. If you have a card, send it or a resume or a letter with some of your background. Dont ask for a job just let the HR pro know youre including the information to clarify whos writing.Nine out of 10 may not respond, but 10 out of 10 will remember you, Benton said. And one out of 10 will respond. My guess is theyll remember that person, Benton said. If they need a source, they might pull your card out of their file.Payback is a blessingAfter giving quick, free resume advice, Duffy has received many forms of thanks over the years. People h ave made introductions and referrals. Job candidates and clients have written great recommendations for her on LinkedIn. Hands down, though, her favorite thank-you came from someone shes never met. Duffy posted on several LinkedIn group discussion boards that she had a free list of 850-plus resume power words and would send them no strings attached.One job seeker responded with an e-mail Duffy still keeps because, she said, it touched her heart Thank you for the delivery of the power words, I loved them. I looked at your Web site and it gives a nice and warm impression and I wish you all the best with your consulting. Unfortunately, I havent anything nice to send you in return, so I wanted to send you my smile ?? where your kindness affected me. Thank you Linda.Barbara Roche, a lebenspartner at BC Communications and a lecturer for The Wharton School, has given free resume advice (in two cases, a complete rewrite) to five people so far this year. Each has given responded to express t heir appreciation and offered payback of some sort. In one case, a woman nearly paralyzed by stress brought on by reporting to a bully boss paid Roche back by giving her a day of consulting work in her department. Another offered Roche tickets to see a well-known news journalist speak. Most importantly, Roche got her name around town, which was her goal, so when youre after free advice, think about how you can spread your benefactors name around town.How to work your alumni connectionsJulie Hays Bartimus, vice president of the Alumni Career Center at University of Illinois Alumni Association, recommended making connections with people who can give you resume or job-search advice far ahead of when you actually need them. Contacts sought out in ?emergency situations will be the least effective and may do more harm than good, she said.Also, research the types of information and contacts that a career coach or adviser have to offer before making a specific ask, Bartimus said. For instan ce, my colleagues at the University of Illinois Alumni Career Center have profiles on LinkedIn and accept connection requests from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Illinois at Springfield alumni. We also offer free advice to these alumni through our Virtual Career Center and webinars. Alumni career-services staff members at other institutions and independent career coaches may similarly provide general information online and offer individualized advice through fee-based advising appointments.For payback, offer to be an informational interview contact for other alumni, or consider volunteering as a program guest or panelist, Bartimus suggested. At her school, some alumni have come back to recruit other Illinois, UIC and UIS alumni, so its smart to stay in touch, she said.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Long Should A Resume Be

How Long Should A Resume BeHow Long Should A Resume BeDoes My Resume Need to be One Page?One of the most common questions our teamatResumeSpicehears from job seekers is some variation of I heard that a resume needs to be one page. Is that true?The short answer is no. Somewhere along the line, a hiring manager must have expressed a strong preference for one page resumes and all across the candidate landscape, the mythology took off. And it stuck in candidates heads. The reality is that we have yet to encounter a hiring manager, human resources executive, or anyone else in a hiring position who has ever rejected a candidate because their resume was mora than one page.So how long should a resume be?Again with a short answer as long as it needs to be to effectively, yet concisely, communicate a candidates background and experience. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend the followingNew grad 1 pageTwo years of experience 1 to 1.5 pagesTwo to ten years of experience 1 to 2 pagesTen or more years of experience 1.5 to 3 pagesImportant caveat the above should be used as a guide, as every candidates situation is different. For example, a job seeker with ten years of experience, who has a college degree and who has held one job their entire career, may be able to fit their entire work history in one page. Conversely, a job seeker with four years of experience may require two pages in order to fit their college degree, advanced degree, multiple internships while in school, and the responsibilities and accomplishments from two different work positions.Can a resume be too long?Yes. In very rare instances is there a need for a resume to go beyond three pages. A resume, unlike a traditional CV (curriculum vitae), is not a complete summary of ones work history. Rather, its a document that highlights ones career and education, focusing on the parts most relevant for a particular role.Hopefully that helps clarify a very common question. If you have questions about your parti cular situation, call or email us. We would love to talk to you Contact ustoday at832.930.7378